April Webinar – Disruptive Situations: Research and Practice on Distance Teaching and Learning


To open the webinar, Drs. Vanessa Dennen and Ronghuai Huang will discuss their backgrounds and recent scholarly works involving research and practice on distance teaching and learning in disruptive situations. Then, the floor will be opened for Q&A, discussion, and consideration of additional research needs in this particular area of online learning.

Date & Time

April 14, 2020, 9:00am – 10:00am EST

Vanessa Dennen headshot
Dr. Vanessa Dennen, Florida State UniversityDr. Vanessa Dennen is a Professor of Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies at Florida State University and the Co-editor in Chief of The Internet and Higher Education. Her research focuses on pedagogical and social aspects of online learning, including networked knowledge activities, the use of emerging online technologies to support formal and informal learning, and the development of identity and community in social media environments.

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Ronghuai Huang headshot
Dr. Ronghuai Huang, Beijing Normal UniversityDr. Ronghuai Huang is a Professor in the School of Educational Technology and the dean of Smart Learning Institute at Beijing Normal University (BNU). He has been actively exploring how to enhance people’s learning by developing new tools and using new methods creatively, especially in collaboration learning and corresponding supporting software. He has had more than 180 academic papers and 20 books or textbooks published.

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