Featured Research Archive
The Efficacy of Flipped Laboratory Multiperspective Videos in Skill Acquisition
The Efficacy of Flipped Laboratory Multiperspective Videos in Skill Acquisition
Featured March 2020
In recent years, video-based lectures have been increasingly used in education as part of flipped classroom approaches, adult education, distance learning, and other applications. Though approaches in video-based lectures have been widely studied, less has been reported in the development of approaches to teach relevant technical skills, such as laboratory techniques. This type of skill acquisition is made more complicated by the need to understand what a skilled person would be looking at…
Effects of the flipped classroom instructional strategy on students’ learning outcomes: A meta-analysis
Effects of the flipped classroom instructional strategy on students’ learning outcomes: A meta-analysis
Featured March 2020
The flipped classroom instructional strategy is thought to be a good way to structure learning experiences to improve student learning outcomes. Many studies have been conducted to examine the effects of flipped classroom on student learning outcomes compared to the traditional classroom, but the results were inconclusive. The purpose of this study was to examine the overall effect of the flipped classroom instructional strategy on student learning outcomes in relation to a set of moderating variables…
Analyzing the use of adaptive learning in a flipped classroom for preclass learning
Analyzing the use of adaptive learning in a flipped classroom for preclass learning
Featured March 2020
Preclass learning, an obstacle in the success of a flipped classroom, is addressed via placing lessons on an online adaptive platform. The lessons combine the power of video lectures, textbook content, simulations, and assessments while using personalized paths for each student. This article describes the development of the adaptive lessons for a course in Numerical Methods, and the interpretation of the analytic data collected via the adaptive lesson platform…
Learning analytics to support self-regulated learning in asynchronous online courses: A case study at a women’s university in South Korea
Learning analytics to support self-regulated learning in asynchronous online courses: A case study at a women’s university in South Korea
Featured February 2020
With the recognition of the importance of self-regulated learning (SRL) in asynchronous online courses, recent research has explored how SRL strategies impact student learning in these learning environments. However, little has been done to examine different patterns of students with different SRL profiles over time, which precludes providing optimal on-going instructional support for individual students…
The influence of motivational regulation strategies on online students’ behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement
The influence of motivational regulation strategies on online students’ behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement
Featured February 2020
Providing effective motivational support is a critical determinant of a successful online distance learning experience for students in higher education. In this study, we examined how students’ academic level and use of 8 motivational regulation strategies influence 3 types of student engagement: behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement…