May Webinar – Part II – Disruptive Situations: Research and Practice on Distance Teaching and Learning
To open the webinar, Drs. Yong Zhao and Justin Ortagus will discuss their backgrounds and recent scholarly works involving research and practice on distance teaching and learning in disruptive situations. Then, the floor will be opened for Q&A, discussion, and consideration of additional research needs in this particular area of online learning.
Date & Time
May 13, 2020, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Dr. Yong Zhao, University of KansasDr. Yong Zhao is a Foundation Distinguished Professor in the School of Education at the University of Kansas and a professor in Educational Leadership at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education in Australia. He is an elected member of the National Academy of Education and a fellow of the International Academy of Education. He has been recognized as one of the most influential education scholars. His works focus on the implications of globalization and technology on education. He has published over 100 articles and 30 books, including Teaching Students to Become Self-Determined Learners (2020), An Education Crisis Is a Terrible Thing to Waste: How Radical Changes Can Spark Student Excitement and Success (2019), and Reach for Greatness: Personalizable Education for All Children (2018).

Dr. Justin Ortagus, University of FloridaDr. Justin C. Ortagus is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education Administration & Policy and Director of the Institute of Higher Education Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Florida, Dr. Ortagus obtained his Ph.D. in Higher Education from Pennsylvania State University. His research typically examines the impact of online education, community colleges, and state policies on the opportunities and outcomes of underserved students. His recent work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the William T. Grant Foundation and published in such venues as the American Educational Research Journal, Educational Researcher, the Journal of Higher Education, and Research in Higher Education.